Friday, December 2, 2011

Feather tree in progress

Hi Everyone I hope this day was good for each and everyone of you.It was a wonderful day for me and hubby.Went to thrift stores and did some food shop.After all the running we came and did alittle Christmas decorating.Hubby was working on outside lights and I was working on my new feather tree I got at the auction a couple weeks ago.
 The ornaments I know I need to get some more but this is what I have right now.I decided to put some old toys under the tree.
I know I will tweak this so much but I could not wait to show my feather tree.I have always wanted one and I am so happy to have one.I think I will do some shopping on ebay for some more decorations for this sparse tree.I hope the Lord keeps you and bless you Judy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Pictures

Thanksgiving for us starts on Wednesday.This is when everyone most of the time comes home.This year was extra special our daughter who now lives in San Diego she came home early.She was my birthday surprise.
She is doing so good.

On Wednesday it was our son and me mainly baking pies and cakes and we had a ball.
Later on in the day the girls were able to join in it was a great time all around.
We had so much fun.Our middle daughter she had to work an d was not able to come home until later that night.But she was there for Thanksgiving.
It was such a great day just being with the loved ones and having so much fun.Eating too much food and just catching up.
I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with wonderful blessing.
(One person is missing DH he is the one taking the pictures.)