Monday, March 28, 2011

Somethings I made for Easter Happy Monday

Happy Monday everyone I hope you had a wonderful weekend.Over the weekend I tried my hand at making some Easter wrapped eggs I saw over at Parker's Paradise Linda inspired me she makes them out of homespun fabric. I just made mine out of muslin and coffee stained them.They were so fun to make.
The little basket I got at the Salvation Army for 25 cents.
I also made a Easter bunny I found this free pattern on the web can't remember where.the design is by Primitive Annies.It was so easy to make and lots of fun.

I coffee stained the bunny also.

They both were fun projects to do over the weekend.If you remember last week we started to put our garden how the weather was warm.Well this is what we woke up to on Sunday.

The garden all covered with snow.Only a couple inches.As the day went on the snow did melt fast.I am so ready for spring to stay.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.


  1. You are so sweet to mention me. Thank you.
    I love your muslin eggs! I am going to try that, too! I saw some wax-dipped ones that I want to try, as well. I'll have so many eggs, I won't know where to keep them! I see that some gals are selling them for $14.50 a dozen plus shipping. I don't want to do that. I'd rather give them away. lol It is relaxing and fun, isn't it?
    Your bunny is adorable. Now, I've never tried anything so bold as that!

  2. Your eggs and bunny are very cute! They look great sitting in your great deal of a basket. Yes Linda is so stinkin' creative! I just love seeing all the things she comes up with.
