Thursday, January 27, 2011

Salvation Army Thursday Finds Stoneware Crock

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful day.It was such a great day for me the sun was shining after a little snow storm.Cold but felt great.Woke up early and was so ready for the day.
Hubby asked if I would like to go down town yes we live in such a small area we have uptown and downtown in all it is about 10 miles either way.Very spread out.
Well we went to the Goodwill and I found a very good sturdy cross stitch frame not one of those flimsy ones.
I about a week ago decided to make a sampler from my own idea and so I have been free handing and by that holding the fabric in my hand with no frame.So today's find was great it was a dollar.
Well we left there and went over to the Salvation Army they are about one block apart so I was okay since we are down this way what will it hurt.
Went in looking at some fabric and some nic nacs and my hubby comes over and says what about this.I was yes that is something I love stoneware.It has a blue star on front with the number 6 in the center.I just love it.I know nothing about its worth.We paid $10.00 for it and I just love it.Sorry for the bad picture
Can you believe Friday is just around the corner.I hope everyone has such a wonderful night.May God keep you in his arms.Until next time Judy

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