Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pictures of what I have been doing yard and Garden

Good Thursday night to everyone.I cant believe Friday is almost here.I have had a busy week.Trying to get mulch and straw down.And I can finally say we are done.Thank the Lord.You know when I was younger it seemed to me I could do things a lot faster.Oh well slow and steady wins the race.I tell my self.
This picture is of the entrance to our yard I love the red mulch, and all of my flower beds are done that way.
Most of the flowers you see in this pictures was either given to me or found,or just a surprise just came up.Laying all this mulch really took its toll on my back but I am so happy it is done.
This bed is new this year the plants were there but it was not framed in or mulched.This bed is long runs down our west side of our yards,The dirt patches you see we have sprayed to get rid of creeping charlie and we will be planting grass seed.
This picture is of our garden after newspaper and straw was laid.Oh my Gosh did this take forever.But I think it will be worth it.Not having to weed as much.
Some pictures of some pots of flowers I put together this year.
Love the birdhouse planter simple but so pretty.
Last but not least a whiskey barrel water feature hubby put in for me.I love it.Sorry so heavy with pictures.I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend.Until next time may the Lord bless and keeps you.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Life has been so busy

Life has been so busy around here.Sorry for the long time between post.Have been working on the yard quite a bit.Mulching and just repairing things that have been needing it for sometime or just broke over the winter
.Have all the flower beds mulched and even put in a new one.Will post pictures.
Have been working on the veggie garden mulching this with straw and newspapers.Had great luck found a farmer who had straw for free which was great was looking at paying $2.75 to $4.00 a bale.Still working on the veggie garden due to we have been having rain on and off just enough to make it not able to go into the garden.
Also have been working on our fiances have been able to pay off 4 bills in 4 months which is wonderful.We refinanced our truck for the same amount of time but for a lower interest rate just one afternoon saved us $1500.00.We are so happy with that.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day I sure did spent the day off had no dishes no cooking no nothing but spending time in my garden.
Until next time may the Lord keep and bless you.